Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Warranty is Up!

Tomorrow, Jaxon is 3 months old. This means that our 90 day warranty on him is up and there's no way we can return him now! (Kidding. We would NEVER return him. I was teasing Josh that the 90 day warranty is up because he teased me about MY warranty after we'd been married 3 months. He figured he could get the dollar back that he'd paid Tanner to marry me in the first place if he talked to him before the 90 days.)

Besides that, even if you could return him, now wouldn't be a good time because he's starting to develop a little personality. I like that he's growing out of what I called the "blob" stage. Where I used to have to coax them out of him, now he spends most of his day smiling. It makes me laugh because he'll watch you and smile at you until you notice him and then the smile gets even bigger when you smile back at him. He also doesn't like if he can see you but you're not talking, whether it's to him or just to yourself (which is a good thing, cuz I talk to myself quite a bit). He's starting to interact with his toys more. It's just enough right now to make me excited for when he's more active. I know I'll be regretting those words when he's crawling around and torturing the dog, but for now it's fun to imagine.

I happened to wonder last night what Jax's game with his Grandpas and Grandmas will be. I used to play "Yipes" with my Grandpa ~ all it was was the two of us running around their dining room table. It was a made up game obviously, but sometimes those are the best kind. My brother, Jameson, used to play "Push It" with my Grandma ~ they just pushed a button back and forth across a table. And Tanner used to have my Grandma "pitch him some hits." I asked Josh if he had games that he played only with his grandparents and he says that being at his Grandpa's farm was his. He got to play farm on a real farm.
At Tender Transitions today, Jaxon weighed 11 pounds, 6 ounces ~ for those that keep up with his weight. I always have to remember his weight because it's one of the first things that Josh asks me on Tuesdays or after appointments.

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