Thursday, July 16, 2009

Photo Catch Up!

I decided that today would be a good time to try and get some of the pictures from our camera and my phone uploaded to share with the world.. We made pirate stuff at summer camp...and I'm pretty sure Jax wanted to be a pirate too (even though in the picture below he's got a "what the heck" sort of look)

We had gone to watch Braedon and Nate play t-ball, but went to the wrong place and the 2 block drive home was pretty tiring, so Jax fell asleep like this. I suppose the hat made falling asleep that much easier?
Cuddle time with mom!
Working out in the baby gym. If the music quits, he squawks at it. I'm pretty sure that he thinks that's how you make it go again.
Some naked baby party pictures...

Post naked baby party..