Thursday, July 9, 2009

NICU Visit

Last night we made a quick trip up to the NICU to visit the nurses there and bring them some cookies.

When we buzzed the doorbell on the 6th floor, instead of being asked who we were there to see the person on the other end said "OH, it's you guys!" and unlocked the door. It was our birth class teacher. We stopped at the nurses station to say hello and so she could check out Jax and catch up a little bit. It's a good thing I could remember her name, since she remembered ours!

She let us into the NICU and we got pretty lucky that 5 of the nurses Jax had were on duty. They took his picture to put up on the wall and we did some catching up with Tom and Staci (the others were pretty busy). Jax showed off his adorable smile to them...which surprised me because it's nearly impossible to get him to smile later in the day when he starts getting tired.

It was a good visit. We will be going back again I don't know when. (I know for sure we'll be up there in December ~ I've decided that the preschool will be making Project Linus blankets for our holiday donating) Only thing is that I forgot to steal some ice when we left. (I love hospital ice!)

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