Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy Bath!

Tonight was bath night, and I figured it was as good of time as any to post some bath pictures. Especially since he was happy during the whole bath. I usually use 2 wash cloths when I'm giving him a bath, so he's not exposed and cold while I'm washing him up. As soon as I put the washcloth over his chest or wherever, he takes it and puts it in his mouth. If he can't get it IN his mouth, he will stick his tongue out and lick at it instead.

Bubble bath! If bathtime is at night, I use that sleepytime bubble bath and WOW does it help a lot. The last couple times I've used it, as soon as he's out of the tub and wrapped in a towel, he falls asleep!

1 comment:

Heather B. said...

He is SOOOO CUTE!!! :)