Monday, July 20, 2009

Fledgling Water Baby

Like I mentioned in a previous post, for our anniversary, we went to the lakes for the day. We hung out on the beach for awhile, went into town for ice cream, did some more beach time, and grilled out for dinner. Here are some pictures of our water baby ~Hanging out after putting on sunscreen...
Tasting the air! Apparently there were a lot of things to taste that day, as his tongue was in and out of his mouth all day.
Hanging out under the umbrella
Tired after mom stressed me out by making me put my feet in the lake AND then in the sand! (He didn't mind the water until the wind picked up and there were some waves and the water went past his toes. So we tried toes in sand and that was ok and kind of fun to scrunch my toes in until I realized that they were touching that cold water again...)
It was a good day. The weather was PERFECT! Too bad the water wasn't a little warmer.
In the next couple weeks, Jax will get some more opportunities to learn that not all water is bathtub warm ~ as long as the weather forecast is nice, he and I will be going to the cabin for a couple days later this week and next weekend we will be visiting Grandpa Jim and Grandma Linda! At this rate he'll be swimming by September ;)

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