Monday, July 13, 2009

Sleepover/Baby Free House

Last night, Josh and I went to the Joey + Rory/Joe Diffie concert at the fair and so Jaxon had his first sleepover. My parents picked him up later in the afternoon and we went out to dinner with Mike and Brandy and then headed to the fair. I checked in with my brother to make sure he wasn't making them too crazy (though, at that point, what was I going to do? Go pick him up? By the time I got there he'd be sleeping, I'm sure). My only real worry was that he'd not sleep very well and keep my mom, dad, and brother up all night. Thankfully, he slept like he does at home.

I don't think we really noticed the difference in a baby free house Sunday night. This morning, however, was a completely different story. After Josh went to work and I got out of bed, it was quiet in the house. I kept waiting to hear the crickets chirp like they do during strange silences in movies. It was different with Jax gone, that's for sure. I kind of had a feeling like I forgot something all day.

Giving him up for the night isn't something that I'd do every day, but it was nice to go out with grown ups! We say thanks to Grandpa Scott, Grandma Joy, and uncle Tanner for the sleepover...and for Fidget for protecting Jax in case any monsters showed up while he was sleeping!

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