Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Photo from Shoot in June

Below is a photo from the photo shoot that Jax was part of in June for Innovis. I have to check next week to see if there were only supposed to be a few photos on the disc that we received. There were a lot more babies than are pictured below, and there were a few photos of Jax as he tried to eat suck on that other baby's head and hand. (Neither photo is on the disc that I have, so I can't share it, sorry) Since there are 2 boys in blue in the photo ~ Jax is the one with bare feet. Around the time the photo was taken he was almost 2 months old. He's the oldest baby out of all the ones in that picture, more than a month older than most of them. (I never think he's all that small until I find babies that are older or younger than him and he's littler than they are)
Weight at Tender Transitions today: 12 pounds, 4.2 ounces. I have a feeling we'll be stuck in the 12 pound range for awhile, as he's getting more active and working off what he eats right away.

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