Monday, January 5, 2009

Favorite Movie

Josh and I were watching "How I Met Your Mother" and two of the characters were talking about how one's fiance' had never seen his all time favorite movie, Star Wars. His friend was telling him how he couldn't marry a girl that had never seen his favorite movie and that the relationship wouldn't last because she may not like Star Wars.

Josh's favorite movie is Smokey & the Bandit. Mine is Empire Records. He was telling me that I don't like Smokey & the Bandit because I don't understand it. I asked him what was there to understand about "stupid cops, fast cars, and really ugly mustaches." He rolled his eyes and says, "Just for that I hope it's a GIRL and I hope she LOVES Smokey & the Bandit and wants to learn all about cars!!!"

I guess he's not so attached to the boy idea anymore?

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