Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Jaxon is 4!

Yesterday, my most favoritest Jaxon turned 4 years old.  He's to the age where he understands (sort of) the significance of a birthday, so it was an interesting day.  He was up at 6am, just waiting for someone to be awake to celebrate with him.  He and Daddy had breakfast and then he watched cartoons til Mommy and Dash got up.  When I got up, I was trying to get Dash's diaper changed and did not realize that the first thing required of me on Jaxon's birthday is to wish him a happy birthday as well as sing for him.  I didn't sing for him (yet), but I did wish him happy birthday many times throughout the day.  He wasn't sure how long his birthday would last, so after each thing he did (eat breakfast, play toys, open gifts, eat lunch, rest time, etc) he would ask if it was still his birthday.  He was a little sad this morning that his birthday is really over, and he won't get to celebrate again for a whole year.  He IS excited, however, that he's going to be 4 (!!) years old for a WHOLE year!! 

These are (some of) Jaxon's 4 year pictures, as well as his preschool picture (from October.  I know, a little late...)

Happy birthday, to my favoritest Jaxon ~ you are my favorite cuddlebutt, Daddy's best fixing helper, and Dashiel's best friend.  We love you dearly!

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