Sunday, April 28, 2013

Big Day for Both Boys

Yesterday was a big day for Jaxon and for Dashiel.  Jaxon started swimming lessons.  This is the first time he's taking "big kid" swimming lessons, without mom and dad.  He was a little nervous about doing it without us, but was SO excited to get into the pool.  He isn't such a fan of putting his face in the water, but he did a great job of listening to his teacher and at least trying to do what she asked.  We are both very proud of him.  We arrived for class a little early, so we watched the lesson before his and he noticed the parent-tot classes and asked why we weren't doing that with Dash.  Jaxon says that Dash told him that he'd like to take some swimming lessons so he can learn to swim too.  Watching the parent-tot class made me miss when Jaxon was that little and needed (and wanted) us to do that sort of stuff with him.  Granted, we can do that stuff with Dash now, but Jaxon not needing us to do that with him means that he's growing up.  Every once in awhile, I remember that after one more year of preschool, Jaxon will go to kindergarten and that makes me want to throw up.  I asked him yesterday if he would just stay 4 forever so that he'd be little, but he says that's Dash's job to be little, and it's his job to grow up and do all the big kid stuff. 

 Yesterday wasn't quite as big of day for Dashiel, but still sort of important:  it was his 2 month birthday!  This week, he graduated from the chiropractor now that we've gotten his reflux/spitting up mostly under control.  On Tuesday, he weighed 11 pounds, 14 ounces ~ we have his 2 month check up tomorrow, so we'll see how much weight he's put on in a week.  I just checked and at Jaxon's 2 month check, he weighed 10 pounds, 5 ounces and was 22.75 inches long.  Clearly, Dash wins in the weight department, we'll just have to see which was taller at this point.  He's getting his own personality, which is funny to see.  He smiles a lot.  I can tell that he loves his big brother, because when he sees Jaxon, he gets the biggest smile on his face.  Jaxon is very protective of Dashiel and such a great helper with him.  When Dash is upset, we sing him the song "You Are My Sunshine", my favorite though is when I find Jaxon singing it to Dash all on his own.  Jax also sings him a mixed up version of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "The Wheels on The Bus." 

We are so lucky to have these boys in our lives! :)

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