Monday, June 13, 2011

First ER Trip

Last night, Jax started to run a fever. Nothing too warm, but with him any fever seems super hot because his normal body temp is 96. He kinda layed around and was a little nauseous, but slept decent. This morning he woke up at 5:30 and was SUPER hot. When the thermometer said he was 103.9 and still climbing, I called ask-a-nurse while Jax laid in bed with Josh, chatting away. The nurse I talked to told us we probably needed to make a trip to the emergency room with his temp that high and so we started our day bright and early! The whole thing was made even better by the fact that, after checking in, Jax threw up all over himself, his blanket, my feet and the floor in the waiting room.

Even as crappy as he was feeling, he was still his stubborn self ~ refusing juice, clenching his jaw so the doctor couldn't check his throat. We got his fever to come down some, so they would discharge us, though we're not really sure what's wrong. His tonsils are huge (though, they have been since he had a sore throat last winter) and so the doctor is treating him for tonsillitis. We didn't actually CHECK him for this since it was a pain in the butt to even get him to open his mouth to look in there in the first place. (Mostly he wouldn't let the doctor look because he was busy watching tv. And because he's a little stubborn.) So.... we'll have a follow up with his regular pediatrician in about 2 weeks and go from there. Who knows, maybe he'll get his tonsils out earlier in life than his mommy did.

(Small world~ one of our nurses was also Jaxon's nurse in the NICU, I used to teach the daughter of our doctor, and I knew the other nurse through preschool also).

This is how he's been playing this afternoon. He hasn't played much, but when he has, it's involved a lot of laying down.
About 2 hours after we got home from the hospital, Jax fell asleep while watching Elmo Saves Christmas. (He's big into Elmo movies these days)

Josh went to work 2.5 hours late, so he could hang out with us in the ER. I was glad to have him there so I had someone to talk to for the 4 hours we sat there, and Jaxon was glad to have someone to cuddle with :)

Ignoring us while he watches cartoons. You'll notice 2 bags on his bed ~ everyone was convinced there'd be a lot more puking so they handed out puke bags like they were party favors ;)

Getting comfy in the big bed.

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