Thursday, July 15, 2010


Bree and I took Jaxon, Rohin, Scarlet, and Tristan to the fair on Wednesday afternoon to see the dinosaurs and the "moos", like Scarlet calls them. Jax was pretty fascinated by the dinosaurs, which surprised me. I didn't figure he'd go for actually sitting on the dinosaur to have his picture taken and I really didn't want to have to be in the picture too, so we cheated and just took one in front of the fence. We ate some french fries, checked out some chickens, quacked at some ducks, watched some baby chicks hatch, and the big kids milked a fake cow. The weather was perfect for a short trip to the fair and so we were there til the stroller kids were nearly passed out and the big kids had walked til they thought their legs might fall off. So much fun!

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