Monday, June 29, 2009

Daddy says I'm growing like a weed!

And he's not kidding! Today was Jaxon's 2 month doctor's appointment. He was 10 pounds, 5 ounces and 22.75 inches long. I am convinced that I put him to bed one night and he was one length, and sometime during the night he sprouted up those 3 inches because all of a sudden clothes that fit last week as pants now look like shorts when we put them on! I used to be able to lay him on my lap and now if I do that, his legs have to be off to the side so that he doesn't push himself off!

I had the privilege of being the parent that took Jax for his shots today (I tried to tell Josh he was going to miss out on a fun time and should really be there, but he wasn't buying it). Being the piggy that he is, Jax had no issues drinking down the oral immunization. Thankfully, when it came to the shots, nurse Chelsea was quick enough that by the time she was finishing the second of three shots, Jax was just reacting to the first one. By the time she was done with all three, he let out a good squawk and then gave up on the whole crying thing. (The hemotologist that drew his blood to check his anemia wasn't so lucky) We went down to lab to have the anemia checked and he screamed and kicked the whole time, even with a bottle in his mouth. He was pretty angry about the whole situation, and so the tech had to make do with half the amount of blood she was supposed to draw. The lab called this afternoon and we're on the "up side" of the anemia. Normal is a 10, and Jax is at a 10.5. So I think we're done with testing for that, but we'll see how it goes next time around.

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