Sunday, May 24, 2009

Trip to the Lake

On Sunday we went to the lake for the day ~ we got lucky too, the weather was beautiful. (Much nicer than today, all cloudy and rainy!) Jax made his first official trip to the beach, though he was covered up cuz the sun was so bright and it was windy! After the walk down to the beach, he spent the rest of the day in the cabin relaxing and cuddling.
Trying on Josh's hat. It sort of makes him look tough ;)

Tanner imitating how Jax sleeps

Love the ducktail hair in the back! :)

Sleeping. Again.
Tanner and I playing with the camera. This is just one of a series that we took.
Some kid got in the way of my taking pictures....
Even Fidget was relaxing ~ she sniffed around Jax and then kept her distance. She, like Crunch, gets sort of frantic when Jaxon cries, moves or breathes. She is much better about it than Crunch is though, at least she doesn't follow you around and howl at you until you check on the baby yourself. ;)
Jax and Grandpa talking about I don't remember what...
The cabin :) (And my brothers playing some game I don't know the name of)
I have no clue who these people are.
The path to the beach!
All in all, a lovely day.

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