Saturday, May 2, 2009

At the zoo (sort of)

We've sort of hit a roadblock with the 8 bottles thing.

Yesterday, the feeding schedule got off by an hour because the nurses had to put an IV in another baby. So, the 7am feeding was at 8, and now the schedule has been shifted an hour later. This means that between feeds, because Jaxon has to wait longer to eat and has actually started crying when it's after his normal feeding time, they've been giving him his pacifier. It's good practice, but also wears him out if he's doing it for an hour before they feed him and then is expected to take all of what's in the bottle. Generally, in the last 24 hours, he's had a good feed and then a not so good one because he is too tired to suck on a bottle.

I can't decide if I like that he's in the "normal" nursery now, because of the overflow in the NICU or not. I like that he's in there so that when family, etc. come to visit they can at least see him through the windows. On the other hand, you kind of feel like you're on display while you're in there with people looking at you, the baby, and what you're doing like you're an exhibit at the zoo. At least when we attempt to nurse, there are screens! (Though it takes about 20 minutes of placement to arrange them, your chair, yourself, and the baby so you're not flashing the world and not all claustrophobic because the screens are sitting practically on top of you!)

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