Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Dance

Jax has come so far in the last 6 days. It's crazy how resilient the little guy is!

Sometime Sunday night, they took him off the nasal canulla. He's done awesome without it. He's also done suntanning, no more jaundice!
We were told that once Jax gets to 50 mL on his feedings, they'll take out the IV. It just so happens to work out that tonight at his 7:00 feeding, he will be at 50 mL and his IV will probably come out tonight after he's finished off his TPN and lipids doses. It'll be so nice when his head is nearly clear of all tubes! They were going to leave the needle in his head, but the IV is starting to go bad, so they will be taking it completely out. I'm so excited to go back to the hospital tonight and for that needle to be gone! Last night we gave him his first bottle! He did so well, he drank half before he got tired out which was pretty good for his first attempt. Who would have thought that we'd be celebrating being able to suck on a bottle?

They've moved his feeding tube from his mouth to his nose. For now, he'll only do 3 bottle feeds in a day until the occupational therapist ups it to every other feeding. It's crazy to me that there's a therapist to sort out how to teach a baby to suck at a bottle. I totally understand it, but it's still a little strange sounding to me.

Take one last look at that IV on his head....it will be missing from pictures from now on!!

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