Thursday, October 28, 2010

Some boring milestone info

So, here's a mostly words entry for a change.

Jax's vocabulary is slowly expanding. He's constantly surprising us with the things that he tries to say. These days, we hear a lot of: More, cookie, no, all gone, love you (laaa you!), and something that sounds like what is that.

Foodwise, he eats mostly whatever you give him, but LOVES oatmeal, black olives, mandarin oranges, ketchup, and pudding.

He's always loved music, but nowadays, he REALLY loves it and is always dancing around. One night, I'm pretty sure he was pretending to be a ballerina. It was pretty funny.

We're working on him learning more body parts. Right now, the only ones he knows for sure are nose and feet. Sometimes he can tell you where his eyes are or where his tummy is. He likes to count things and will count to 3 with help. Though we'd like it better if he didn't, he has figured out how to turn off and on every single toy that has a switch.

Everyday, I see a little bit more of his daddy in him. He's flipping over things and figuring out how they work. He likes to be a helper (I joke that he has daddy's White Knight Complex and is always looking for a damsel in distress). They make the same silly faces and loud cars or trucks stop both of them dead in their tracks. And just like his daddy, if it has wheels it MUST be made for driving and if it doesn't have wheels there must be a way to make it so you can drive it.

I was going to make this all words, but I had to post this picture from school yesterday. One of the girls has been wearing these glasses (nonprescription) and so Jax got to try them on. I put them on and she said they made me look silly. Jax puts them on, and she says he looks like a teacher... hmmm...

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