Sunday, October 17, 2010

Allergic reaction and a half birthday

Jaxon hasn't been feeling 100% the last ...well, week now. He's been working on cutting 4 teeth (2 are finally through, putting us at 14 teeth!) and has been running a fever off an on. Tuesday night, after we went to Melvin's football game, he woke up super warm and with a red rash across his cheeks that I thought was heat rash. It stuck around for a couple days, going away and coming back and I just figured it came and went with his fever. On Thursday, it covered his whole body literally, and so I brought him into the clinic. The doctor was pretty sure it was an allergic reaction to something (he's had no new foods, no new soaps, no new nothing in the last week before this) and it's kind of come down to we think he's got some sort of outdoor/seasonal allergy. Last fall, around this time, if we took him outside to play, the next day he would break out and I had talked to his physician then about it being an allergy and she said it was possible. The doctor this time prescribed an antihistamine. That, along with no outside playtime (which equals a sad Jaxon) has helped a lot. He's nearly back to normal. Unfortunately, until we determine what kind of allergy it is, we just have to be proactive this time of year and give him the antihistamine before we take him outside for long periods.

Below are pictures of what we did to waste time before and after our doctor's appointment. Since the clinic was at the mall, we played in the dinosaurland for a little bit beforehand. And then afterwards while we waited for his prescription, we checked out the pet store and said hi to the puppies and then Jax kept wandering back to look at the Roger Maris museum stuff. He loved these chairs, mostly because there was 2 or 3 steps for him to practice going up and down.

In other news ~ I learned at Jax's doctor's appointment that he weighs 25 lbs, his favorite word this week while he's been sick has been "no" (Josh and I are both super excited about this one. :-s ), and he's been trying really hard to learn how to hop or jump after seeing the big kids at school doing it. He actually did it for the first time the other night and was pretty proud of himself :)

We have his 18 month appointment next week, so maybe we'll sort out some more with the allergy thing there. Yep, he's 1.5 years old as of last Friday! I can't believe it! Or maybe I can, because as he uses the word "no" more and more, I'm starting to dread the terrible 2s.....

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