Monday, June 21, 2010

Oh my goodness

Below is the mess I came to find when Jax woke up this morning. Those tiny white things? That would be 75 baby QTips. When Jaxon wakes up from a nap or is playing in his crib until he falls asleep, he will either play with the stuffed animals on the hip wall or with the stuff on the changing table shelf. (You would not believe how far this kid can stretch his arms when he wants to get something off that shelf!) The last couple days he's preferred the changing table stuff. Especially the QTips.

On Saturday morning I went in there and he'd made a similar mess with them and I kicked myself later for not taking a picture of it. He must have heard me mention this to his grandparents this weekend because this morning the mess was even bigger ~ there were Qtips in places in his room I couldn't believe he could reach! As you can tell from the photo, he felt REALLY bad about this mischief. Good thing I think he's so cute! Mental note: move the stuff on the shelf even farther out of his reach. Again.

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