Thursday, June 10, 2010

Off to a good start

I swear I find 15 more things I love about this little person every day.

He does pretty good at standing on his own and though he isn't walking quite yet, NOTHING is safe from him. We joke that we have to move everything so it's 4 feet off the ground so he can't get to it. 4 feet may sound like a lot, but Jax scales things like he's part monkey sometimes! We've tried bribing him to walk, but he's not quite ready, which is ok with us.

Jax is starting to imitate what he sees, which can be kind of funny. He and I were watching tv one day and he imitated a dance move one of the people did. We were all 3 sitting on the couch one night and I flicked Josh, and since Jax can't quite flick a person yet, he poked Josh where I had flicked him.

We have started walking with a friend and her 3 children in the mornings, and sometimes venturing out with them in the afternoons. It makes getting up in the morning a lot easier! Last week we went on a picnic and this week we walked the mall since it was rainy and played at the dinosaur land there. Once Jaxon discovered the tunnels there, he spent a good amount of time just crawling through them back and forth.

Last weekend we went to the lake to sand and paint the dock frame. I tried to get Jax to play in the sand, but he wasn't so sure he liked it. He was ok if I didn't make him sit right IN it like, the pictures below. Otherwise, he'd try to keep both feet out of it if he could. (Ignore that he won't keep the crotch of his clothes snapped, please. He thinks the sound the snaps make is funny and pulls at them all the time and it's usually easier to just leave them undone.)
Josh was in Dallas for 2.5 days for class/work. Waiting for his plane to get back on Friday seemed to take forever, so Jax and I went to the lookout park at the airport to see if we could see some planes land. We didn't see any. There was one, but it didn't fly by us. Jax was pretty happy just crawling around and trying to eat grass, anyways.
Watching for Daddy's plane... (I let him sit on top of my car for this picture and the next. He thought that was pretty cool)

He wasn't so indifferent at Josh this time for being gone (thank goodness!) ~ well, at least he didn't ignore him this time. He didn't laugh and smile though, either. He'll get used to it, I suppose ~ he'll have to, Josh is gone again in another week or so, then home for a couple days and then off to Dallas again.

Hope you are enjoying your summer and sunshine (if you're lucky enough to have it)!

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