Friday, November 28, 2008

Mental Note: Think, then speak.

I really put my foot in my mouth last night.

Josh and I were watching a movie, recovering from Thanksgiving dinner. We were watching Speed Racer. In the middle of the movie, COMPLETELY KIDDING, I said, "I'm surprised you don't like the name Speed for the baby." Good job, me. Josh is convinced that that is the best middle name ever. Mostly because this is what he believes: it would provide the baby, if it were a boy, with the best line ever. "Speed is my middle name." Literally.

I kept telling him that I was kidding, but the damage is done. I told him we're going to take a vote over the holidays (please vote with me, not with him!).

Unless I get lucky and accidentally say something just as awesome to him to change his mind.

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