Sunday, November 9, 2008

May 22nd, 2009.

Thursday was our first doctor's appointment. It was crazy to hear the baby's heartbeat! I made a joke about how it was only one, and the doctor says that if it were twins or something we wouldn't be able to tell for a couple months yet. I don't expect it to be more than one, but imagine the craziness if there was! There's a good chance I'd pass out right then and there.

I've still been sickish, but it's better controlled if I eat every couple hours. And actually, now I'm test driving a vitamin B6/Unisom regimen that's supposed to help. About the time it starts really working for me, hopefully I'll be done with the nauseousness. That would be lovely.

Oh, so as of today we are 12 weeks and 2 days along. That means there's still a lot of days/weeks left. Bleh.

1 comment:

Karalyn & Jason said...

Hey! So glad you got to hear the heartbeat! I am assuming they did an ultrasound? Glad to hear everything is going well!