Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Love Letter

Dear Birth Control~
I miss you.

I had forgotten how often I got migraines before you came along. I'd also forgotten how much they hurt and how sick I would get from them. I realize that you couldn't prevent them completely but at least I always knew when I could probably be getting one.

Without you, my cycle was all over the place. I am not happy to be going back to that craziness.

So, PLEASE, if you have any cousins that can regulate my migraines and when I bleed to death, please send the my way. SOON!

I look forward to you returning to my life, just not until after we have a baby!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you think sickness is bad now, just wait until your about 7 months along and you have heart burn that kills ya, you have to pee every 20 minutes, and all you want to do is get rid of this huge bubble that has now consumed your body. It's so awesome though.... oh and how can I forget the major kicks in your ribs to remind you that your not sitting up straight :)