Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Josh and I have many discussions about how fast time goes with kids it seems. With two, it goes even faster! I read somewhere that the average 4 year old asks 800 questions a day. I am pretty sure that Jaxon asks about 10 times that amount. He's very curious and insightful. It's entertaining and exhausting (and occasionally, embarassing). He's still quite the social butterfly and right now is very into doing "big kid" things and being a helper with everything. Jaxon spends a good part of his day entertaining and trying to teach his little brother all sorts of things. At night, he reads stories with Daddy before bed and is learning his letters. (Josh always claims he will never be able to say he taught Jaxon anything except for working on cars, but he has done a great job teaching him his ABCs, numbers, and other things without even realizing it). Dashiel cut his first tooth on July 31st! His 2nd one is working it's way through, too. He is getting pretty good at rolling from back to front and front to back. Once he's on his front, he will push himself forward with his legs. Even without actually crawling, he's getting to be mobile. You lay him down in one place and come back 2 minutes later to find him in a completely different place. We've been eating mostly just cereal as far as real foods go, but the other night, he did try some mashed potatoes off my plate. Next up: carrots and sweet potatoes! Together, they are two peas in a pod.

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