Friday, July 8, 2011

Overnight At the Lake

On Tuesday morning, Jax and I headed to the lake for a little bit. All that relaxing was shot to crap though, on our drive home on Wednesday morning! Grandma Joy left some cookies that were excellent when paired with the Cars movie. In fact, Jaxon kept telling me, "I eat them all? I eat them all!" (No, he did not eat the whole box.)

Practicing his swing....whether that is a golf swing or baseball swing, I'm not sure. This bat was used for both golfing and baseball. And smashing sandcastles.

Freezing after Mommy made him go swimming with her to catch some minnows.

Showing Mater and Lightning around on the dock. And then throwing them in the lake (I think it was their first swimming lesson?!)

We spent all day Tuesday on the beach or in the lake. In fact, when we went up to the cabin for the night, Jax sat in the front window yelling at our neighbor "Help me! I need beach! Help!" We did find a new set of golf clubs to play with though, and so after he got out of the window, we did a lot of golfing and watching Cars.

On Wednesday morning, while I was loading the car, Jax stepped on something or got stung by something because he ended up with a huge welt on his ankle. I am not allergic that I know of, and Josh has no clue if he is and since Jax started itching his leg like crazy on the way home, I gave him a half dose of benadryll. Shortly before we got to Lake Lida (of course in the curvy part of the road where there's no place to pull over), Jax started freaking out in the back seat and saying his eye was broken. I tried to help him while I was driving ~ very safe, I know~ but his eye was all swollen and puffy and he couldn't open it. I stopped in Lake Lida to try and sort things out and to call Josh to let him know we'd be home a little later than planned cuz I thought we needed to stop in Pelican Rapids to have Jax checked out by a doctor. By now, he wouldn't open either of his eyes. While driving to Pelican, I called Ask A Nurse and didn't actually talk to someone until I was in the clinic parking lot in Pelican Rapids. I also had time to dig around in Jax's eye and learned that he had done who knows what to it and managed to shove ALL his eyelashes (upper and lower) into his eye and then rubbed it so hard it swelled and he couldn't open it on his own. By the time I actually talked to a nurse, Jax could see again and was happy as a clam.

Since I had called Josh and my mom for information on our drive, Jax sat in my lap while I called to tell them everything seemed ok. He spent this time turning my radio off, adjusting the AC, turning on my wipers as fast as they'd go, turning on my blinker and my high beams. He also was kind enough to yell out the window at people walking by "I fine! My eye no broken! It fine!"

I may or may not have had a minor heart attack in the midst of all this, thinking he was having an allergic reaction to a possible bee sting while in the middle of nowhere. Needlesss to say, we spent the rest of Wednesday just hanging out!

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