Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Aftermath of the Storm

This is what our yard looks like, after the storm last night. A couple houses down the way lost fence panels too, though it looks like the wind randomly changed direction and ripped out the back of their fence after ripping out the side.

The wind came up pretty fast ~ I had called my parents, gone outside for a minute after getting off the phone and by the time I got in the house, you couldn't see past the deck. And so we spent some quality time in the basement. Jax was absolutely terrified once the power went out and came back on a few times and had a death grip on a flashlight for the next hour or so.

Looks like we're redoing 4ish panels of fence this summer!

An hour after all the excitement, Jax was exhausted since it was way past his bedtime, but still a little anxious and so he sat in the chair and pretty much stared off into space. He was ok as long as Josh, Crunch, and I were always in his line of sight. (Even under that blanket, he's still got a deathgrip on the flashlight)

1 comment:

Dana.stansbery said...

Oh my gosh! I am so glad you guys are all safe but sorry to hear about the fence. That stinks! Good luck with the repair:)