Thursday, October 22, 2009

A non photo update

So it's been forever since I've actually written a post and figure that since there's no school today, this is the perfect day for an update.

Jax has started eating fruits and vegetables with his cereal. So far we've just tried pears and carrots. Pears he likes (he better, we have enough pears in our freezer to feed him for a year off my parent's pear trees!). Carrots....not so much. In fact the first bite of carrots that he had, he spit everywhere. It makes Josh and I laugh to see the faces that he makes, which is probably mean of us but I'm sure our parents we just as entertained when we did the same thing as babies. Carrots are getting a little better, as we go into day 4 of eating them, but only if they're mixed with his cereal. He has also started eating cereal puffs and Cheerios. Josh was still a little skeptical about the puffs and Cheerios, with only 2 teeth, but Jax loves them!

Next week is a big week for appointments ~ preemie clinic on Monday, 6 month check up with shots on Tuesday, and eye doctor on Thursday. At least I know with the preemie clinic there are no shots or eye dialating. Tuesday will be more vaccines and we will start our monthy Synagis shots for RSV. Ick. I really think Josh should have to take Jaxon to one of these "fun" appointments for a change!

He's getting bigger everyday, working reaaaaalllllllllllllllly hard at rollling over, and thinks that our dog is hilarious. I miss the cuddly all the time stuff from before, but this is just as fun :)

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