Preschool starts tomorrow. Jaxon starts daycare tomorrow. (Insert sad face here.)
Tonight was open house for preschool, it went well. Jax was in a good mood all day, which surprised me because we'd spent the afternoon at school setting up stuff and after about 2 hours he had maxed out on that sort of fun. We came home so he could get in a good nap before we went back to school to finish (it was actually a nap longer than 20 minutes!). We were back to school by 4:00 and he was sooo good and didn't even cry or get crabby until around 6:50, ten minutes before we were done for the day.
I am sad for Jax to start daycare, but I believe that there's at least one baby close to him in age for him to play with there. Tonight, at open house, he "met" Chelsa so (if baby's have much of a memory for quick meetings) at least tomorrow I won't be dumping him off with a person he's never seen and has never seen him. She's excited to take care of him, so I think that makes me feel better about the whole thing.
In other news, Jax has learned to scoot himself around (I have no clue how he does it) so I can put him one place and come back a little bit later and he's moved someplace else. If I lay him on the play gym, he slides himself down under the overhead bar and moves so he's parallel to the bar. He's also working pretty hard at rolling over these days.